1. CHECK ALL THAT APPLYI have trouble saying no. I go along to get along. I want to rescue others.I have trouble saying yes and letting others get close.I say yes when I mean maybe, or I say maybe when I mean no.My happiness depends on other people. I ignore my own needs to help others.I think others’ needs are more important than mine.I feel guilty when others are unhappy. I take on the moods of others.I feel embarrassed by, and responsible for, the behavior of people I’m with. I have trouble asking for what I want or need.I have trouble expressing my opinion.I have trouble standing up for myself or speaking up when something is wrong. I have a high tolerance for inappropriate behavior.I get involved with people who are bad for me.I read my lover’s e-mail or texts.I feel responsible for my partner’s failures, happiness, or unhappiness.I’m an open book, revealing too much about myself to mere acquaintances. I feel love very quickly when I’m attracted to someone. I try to control others to get what I want.I push my views and desires on others.I feel uncomfortable if I’m not just like others.I’m unsure of who my true self is. Loading...