10% 1. At the beginning of a relationship...I’m an open book. I tell my date everything about me. I get really excited and fantasize about the possibilities of our future together.I try to be everything my date wants me to be. I take it slowly and keep watch for possible red flags.I put on my best behavior until I know they have fallen for me. 2. After a breakup....I think about my ex a lot and wonder why s/he didn’t want me. I send my ex an e-mail telling him or her how I feel.I acknowledge my ex was not right for me and focus on myself.I spy on him or her to see what they're doing and who else s/he is with.I keep calling him to try to get him back. 3. If someone else is flirting with my partner...I get angry at my partner for encouraging him or her.I get quiet and withdraw.I show off and one-up my partner to make sure my he or she knows I’m better. I tell the other person off and act nasty towards them.I playfully tell my partner how desirable s/he is and how much I appreciate him or her. 4. When I'm crazy about someone new...I work really hard to make sure nothing goes wrong.I make my partner my top priority.I let my partner take the lead to make sure s/he is happy. It scares me. I don’t want to get hurt, so I push partner away.I want to spend all my free time with him. 5. When my partner does something to upset me...I do something that will upset my mate to show him or her how it feels.I cry so my partner will know to apologize. I ask my partner to talk about it so that it won’t happen again.I withdraw and take it as a sign that she doesn’t love me.I yell at my partner to make him or her feel bad. 6. When I want something from my partner...I do something nice for my partner so s/he will want to return the favor.I make my partner feel bad about something so s/he will feel guilty and want to make it up to me.I get angry if my partner doesn’t know, because s/he should know me better. I tell my partner what I want.I give my partner hints about what I want. 7. When my partner asks me to do something I don't want to do...I tell him or her I will but then I don't do it.I do it to make my partner happy.I tell my partner why I don't feel like doing it.I’ll do it so I have something to throw in my partner's face when I need something.I'll do it but complain about it. 8. When I meet a same-gender (how I identify) attractive, smart, and interesting person,I challenge him or her to show that I’m better than s/he is.I get quiet and just let him or her talk.I make him/her my new best friend and try to imitate him/her.I point out to other people how s/he isn’t really that special.I enjoy his/her company and try to learn something new. 9. After I give a hot person my phone number, or after I get a hot date's phone number...I ask when s/he is going to call, or when I should call.I tell all my friends I met the person of my dreams.I go on with my life as if nothing changed.I clear my schedule so I’ll be available to go out when s/he calls or is available.I call him/her if I don’t hear from him right away. I'm only happy when...I'm taking care of myself.Someone is taking care of me.I’m doing fun things with people I love.I’m taking care of someone else.I'm in a relationship. Loading...